Kapolei Public Library’s Monthly Book Club restarts August 4, 2021, utilizing the Zoom video conferencing platform. Sri, August’s Book Club host, chose Dragonfruit by Malia Mattoch McManus for this month’s discussion. There is still time to place your request for August’s selection with Libraries Hawaii.
A description of the book from the author’s website:
“As the heiress to a plantation fortune, Eliza Dawson occupies a privileged place in the opulent court of Hawaii’s King Kalakaua. But her secret plan to marry the son of an opium tycoon collapses when political crisis forces him to China. Pregnant and desperate to keep her child, Eliza must wed an opportunistic rancher on the remote island of Moloka’i.
After a devastating fire, Eliza makes a daring escape to Honolulu on the eve of the American overthrow and joins the clandestine fight to restore the Hawaiian monarchy.
When a mysterious figure from Moloka’i reveals powerful secrets, only one man can help Eliza find the truth-her first love. But soon, their search for answers threatens to unravel the life she’s rebuilt in a dramatically changed Hawai’i.
Dragonfruit is both a vivid portrait of Hawai’i in a time of historic upheaval and the story of a woman shaped by love, betrayal, and the intoxicating power of the past.”
New Meeting Format
The format for the meeting will be slightly altered for the Zoom platform. The host attendee, Sri, will guide the discussion of this month’s book selection. Instead of attendees adding their reactions to the conversation in a “round-robin” fashion, they will be relying on virtual hand raises being called upon by Shannon Fukumoto, the Book Club Coordinator. After the meeting, the host would then write a brief summary of the discussion and email it to the book club coordinator for inclusion in an email update to all on the Book Club e-mail list. If you wish to be added to the Kapolei Public Library’s Book Club list please contact Shannon Fukumoto by email, shannon.fukumoto@
Zoom Info
Here is the Zoom Meeting Invitation for August 4, 2021. You may log on to the meeting about 5-10 minutes prior to the meeting start time.
Shannon Fukumoto is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Kapolei Library Book Club Time: Aug 4, 2021, 06:30 PM Hawaii Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/93451204044?pwd=OENCdVZoTElUL0lnT3ZlbmlicUc2Zz09 Meeting ID: 934 5120 4044 Passcode: 758977 One tap mobile +12532158782,,93451204044# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,93451204044# US (Houston) Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Meeting ID: 934 5120 4044 Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/ketbS72sWX
Upcoming Meetings
The next Book Club Meetings are scheduled for:
October 6
November 3
December 1