Nanakuli High School will open the new school year in July 2014 with many different events. Here is what is happening in the next two months:
- Thursday, July 24 – Leadership Planning Meeting for all class and student government officers and class advisors, 8:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M. in the Multi-Purpose Building.
- Friday, July 25 – Schedule pickup, 8:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. in the Multi-Purposse Building.Students will be able to pay dues, purchase yearbooks, athletic passes, and school shirts. They can apply for bus passes, put money into their Meal Tracker accounts, and pick up class schedules and ID cards.
- Friday, August 1 – First day for students.
- Thursday, August 7 – Welcome Back assembly.
- Wednesday, August 13 – Student Council meeting, 1:13-1:56 P.M. in the Multi-Purpose Building.
- Friday, August 15 – Statehood Day, no school.
- Friday, August 22 – Professional Development Day, no students.
- Saturday, August 30 -Band fundraiser car wash at Waianae Store.
- Sunday, August 31 – JROTC fundraiser car wash at Waianae Store.
- Monday, September 1 – Labor Day, no school.
- Wednesday, September 3 to Friday, September 5 – Scholastic Book Fair.
- Thursday, September 4 – Senior cap and gown information session.
- Wednesday, September 10 – Student Council meeting, 1:13-1:56 P.M. in the Multi-Purpose Building.
- Thursday, September 18 – Senior cap and gown ordering date.
- Saturday, September 20 – JROTC fundraiser car wash at Waianae Store.
- Monday, September 22 – Homecoming Week.
- Friday, September 26 – Homecoming pep rally, parade, football games vs. Pearl City (JV@ 5:00 P.M. and Varsity to follow).