During the January 8 meeting of the Waianae Neighborhood Board, concerns were voiced about the temporary access road, approved by the City and State, which will be used to bypass the forthcoming construction work on the Makaha Bridges Project. Board member Frenzel, head of the Permitted Interaction Group (PIG), presented a report on the disadvantages of this access road. Frenzel pointed out that despite the fact the community had supported this road be built on the makai (ocean side) of Farrington Highway in the past, it is now determined that the road can lead to other problems. The road has a life expectancy of five years after which it can deteriorate and pollute the beach and ocean when the waters surge or flood the area. He also noted that the road would encroach on and destroy the beachfront, and it would take up much needed parking space. Moreover, he pointed out the precarious location of the beach bathrooms which are presently located across the highway, on the mauka (mountainside) side of the highway. He proposed that the access road be built on the mauka side of Farrington Highway to allow safe access to the restrooms and to prevent encroachment on the beachfront. Finally, Frenzel suggested that an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) be made prior to the construction of the access road. Frenzel then introduced and the board unanimously adopted a resolution asking the governor to direct the Department of Transportation to redesign the project to meet these concerns.
The next meeting of the Waianae Neighborhood Board is scheduled for February 5, 2013, 7:00-10:00 P.M., at the Waianae District Park Multi-Purpose Room, 85-601 Farrington Highway. New business for discussion will be a presentation on the Public Land Development Corporation (PLDC) by William Aila, Jr., director of DLNR and a member of PLDC. Also for new business will be the Ko`Olina Triathlon presentation by J.J. Johnson.