The Nanakuli-Maile Neighborhood Board mulled over the legality of bingo and gaming rooms during its July 15, 2014, monthly meeting. The Honolulu Police Department (HPD) has shut down gaming rooms located at Naniokeola Street near the Kaiser Clinic. The courts still have to determine whether the machines are legal or not. The board was informed that the city Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) can disallow these types of gaming businesses in a shopping center by not issuing permits. Board member Teruya stated that seniors living nearby are terrified of the game room patrons. The board also received a complaint about the Samoa Church on Farrington Highway and Mohihi Street. Excessive noise and illegal parking were noted . HPD recommended that these activities be reported by calling 911 and asking for police assistance.
Other community concerns were voiced at the meeting. Teruya cited poor planning and construction schedules by the city in removing asbestos from the Nanakuli Beach Community Park facility. The building was not usable during the summer fun program, and no tents were available for the children’s use during their indoor activities and mealtimes. There was another complaint about the lack of a second entrance/exit in the Maile Beach Park parking lot which is needed for safety and necessary in emergency situations.
Under new business Elsie Ryder and Beau Uehara, members of Alu Like, gave a presentation about Pono Choices – a program to prevent unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases ( STD). The program uses cultural practices to connect with today’s youth. In 2008 Hawaii ranked 10th for the highest level of pregnancies and ranked 50 in the use of condoms. Taxpayers paid $37 million for costs associated with teen pregnancy and childbearing. For questions and more information, contact Ryder at [email protected] or call 668-0555.
The next general meeting for the Nanakuli-Maili Neighborhood Board will be on Tuesday, August 19,2014, at Nanaikapono Elementary School Cafeteria, 89-153 Mano Avenue, 7:00-9:30 P.M. Topics for discussion under new business are:
- Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center quarterly update.
- Survey results of Hawaii parks ranking list and standards for ranking, presented by Department of Parks and Recreation Director Michelle Nekota.
- Nanakuli Village Center update by Kali Watson.
- City Council Bill 39 concerning drivers with disability placards. Intent to charge fees for their parking in metered stalls.
The general public is invited to attend the neighborhood board meetings and participate in discussion.