The Hawaiian Affairs Committee of the Nanakuli-Maile Neighborhood Board met on August 18, 2015, to discuss Hawaiian Homelands rules and regulations, Hawaiian Electric Company’s desecration of Mauna Kapu land, and supporting the Kanaka Maoli who are protesting the construction of a new telescope on Mauna Kea. In attendance were members of the committee: Karen Awana, Hanalei Aipoalani, and Tercia Ku; fifteen community members in attendance were invited to be a part of the committee.
The committee drafted a resolution supporting the Kanaka Maoli in protecting sacred lands, and presented it to the full board at its general meeting on September 15, 2015. The committee met again on September 14, 2015, to continue discussion of the Thirty Meter Telescope resolution and to discuss the Waianae Coast Community meeting on the upcoming `Aha and its outcome.
The Waianae Coast Neighborhood Board’s committee members, Chair Kawika Nahoopii and W. Ken Koike, called a meeting on August 20, 2015, to discuss recent issues related to Native Hawaiian protests and concerns. In attendance were 20 people who were invited to join the committee in its business. It was agreed that four areas of interest would be combined into one committee because they are essentially bound to each other: Hawaiian Affairs, Business, Economic Development, and Tourism (HA-BEDT). The HA-BEDT Committee will meet every month on the third Thursday at Kamaile Public Charter School Library, 85-180 Ala Akau Street, Waianae, 6:30 P.M.