HART and rail construction are the main topics for discussion at the Makakilo/Kapolei/Honokai Hale Neighborhood Board meeting set for Wednesday, January 28, 2015, at Kapolei High School Cafetorium, 91-5007 Kapolei Parkway, 7:00-9:45 P.M. Due to news of a deficit of nearly $750 million for future construction, the board will hear concerns regarding recent discoveries and shortcomings of the rail project including HART’s oversight and execution of the contract. Tom Berg, former Honolulu City Councilman, will present rail alternatives and community options for discussion. In addition, the board will propose a future Town Hall meeting to allow the public to discuss the viability of the fixed rail.
The second item of business centers on the skating fatality that occurred in upper Makakilo Drive. Chad Taniguchi, Executive Director of the Hawaii Bicycling League, will gather community thoughts on the prevention of future accidents involving skates and skateboards.
The general public is invited to attend Neighborhood Board meetings and participate in the discussions. For more information, call the Neighborhood Commission Office at (808) 768-3710 or 768-3711.