Waianae Neighborhood Board #24 will hold their next regular meeting on Tuesday,January 8,2013, at the Waianae District Park’s Multi-purpose Room, 85-601 Farrington Highway, from 7 P.M to 10 P.M. The main topic for new business concerns the Permitted Interaction Group (PIG) on Makaha Bridges 2 and 2A Replacement Project. The Waianae Coast Neighborhood Board has proposed a resolution urging the State of Hawaii to reconsider the placement of the temporary bypass road and the replacement bridges for this project. The board believes that the Makaha Surfing Beach and its facilities will be adversely affected and that the ecosystem of the beaches will be endangered by the PIG project. Public discussion, questions, and presentations are welcome.
First item for discussion on the meeting’s agenda deals with the filling of a board vacancy for Sub-District 1. Sub-District 1 extends from the sewer plant on Farrington Highway to MacDonald’s Restaurant and extends to the back of Waianae Valley. Interested people are welcome to inquire and sign up for the position. 2013 Neighborhood Board elections will be held between April 24 and May 17 of this year. Oahu residents can file to run for a seat by applying online at www1.honolulu.gov/nco. Call 768-3717 for a form to be mailed to you.