The Waianae Neighborhood Board had a full agenda at their regular meeting on July 1, 2014. At the start, the Mayor’s office reported that there will be sewer projects started: Lualualei waste water pumping station force main, Bayview Street relief drain, and Makau Street storm drain improvements. Community concerns were directed to the Mayor’s office regarding a need for additional lifeguards and a lifeguard station at Pokai Bay, since a child drowned there recently, and a request for a four-way stop at the corner of Lahaina and Jade Streets.
Other updates from the Mayor’s Town Hall meeting on May 28, 2014 were reported by Chairperson Perry:
- No funds available for The Bus to extend its route to Ko`Olina.
- Vandalism costs for Department of Parks and Recreation repairs in the Waianae Coast totaled $150,000 in the past three years.
- The Waianae Police Station will be 25,000 square feet, two to three stories high, and be completed in 2015-2016.
- Fines are still imposed on owner of property with illegally dumped sludge.
Louis Galdera, representing City Council member Kymberly Pine, reported as follows:
- Recreation funding for parks include $430,000 for comfort station improvements at Makaha Community Park, $240,000 (plus $505,000 from the previous year’s allotment) for Pu`u O Hulu (Maili Kai) Community Park, and $400,000 to design a new gym roof and a new arts and crafts studio roof for Waianae District Park.
- Public Safety funding for Waianae Fire Station and Waianae Police Station: $60,000 to design interior renovations for the fire station, and $1.29 million to continue construction of the new police station which received $650,000 last year.
Under new business the board heard Matt Miura who reported about the Verizon Telecommunication Facility, located at 86-325 Kuwale Road. The property will be seven acres with Verizon leasing a twenty-five by twenty-five-foot area. There are plans to build an 80-foot pole and install an outdoor generator. These developments will improve Verizon coverage and increase the number of calls received.
Other new business concerned emergency preparedness in the area. The Waianae Coast Crime Prevention Coalition announced that the Waianae Coast is unprepared for emergencies and urged the community to participate in meetings every third Wednesday of the month at Nanakuli Boys and Girls Club, 89-188 Farrington Highway, to discuss emergency preparedness for the hurricane season. Phone 352-0059 for more information.
State Representative Jo Jordan reported on Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) funding for Department of Education Waianae facilities:
- $934,000 for Kamaile Academy improvements.
- $200,000 for Leihoku Elementary electrical upgrades.
- $11,000 to remove a diesel storage building at Waianae Elementary.
- $684,000 for Waianae High School.
- $453,000 for Waianae Intermediate.
The next regular meeting of the Waianae Neighborhood Board will be held on Tuesday, August 5, 2014, at the Waianae District Park, C Multi-Purpose Room, 85-601 Farrington Highway, 7:00-9:30 P.M. Topics for discussion will be the EURUS Energy America Corporation proposal for a 200-acre photovoltaic farm, Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center, a photovoltaic facility presentation by Ron Agor for SMB I, LLC, and the Makaha Beach Park master plan. The public is invited to attend and participate in discussion.